I don't get how that can be construed as hoarding? Was it because they never let anyone in their home to see it? Watching what must be an emotional, deeply disturbed behavior (my opinion only, to you hoarders out there) brought to mind how some of my stashes and excesses might be a bit over the top for those who like to surround themselves with a highly organized, ultra sleek and simple environment. So passing judgement on this couple's lifestyle was perhaps like the pot calling the kettle black...or at least somewhat gray.
A case in point, my quilting stash is not particularly neat...
Nor is my cache of beads...or the workspace where I create
I do seem to have too many dishes (I used to have big dinner parties when I was "corporate"...) They are all shoved in one of too many cabinets around the kitchen...
And I guess my yarn drawer is a tad disorganized...
And don't even think about clearing out my collection of magazines (I need those for inspiration!)...
We've been in our hacienda for almost 7 years, and I love that I can still walk around it thinking "I LOVE my house". I love that it reflects my hubby's and my style. And I especially love it right after it's been cleaned. Everything in it's place.
In the end, I find that the older we get, the less we focus on what other people think of our decor or our recliner lifestyle. I imagine that those who only read scintillating novels or follow the more intellectual pursuits would poo-poo our 50" Plasma TV with 200 channels. Oh well!
"Isn't it time to put on our jammies?"
I'm right there with you Laurel- I have organized "collections", or somewhat organized collections as I call them. I love that you have a dish collection. I just cannot seem to stay away from dishes. I'm almost 29, and could care less what anyone thinks of our 42 inch TV right in the middle of the living room. This from the girl who lives in a hippie town :)