
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Look...

Piercing blue, cutting deep
wordless stare
permeating my soul;

Curled lip, pursed tight
wordless disgust?
wrenching my gut;

Hollow arms, busy now
wordless work
leaving me desolate;

Bitter heart, arrows deep
wordless sorrow
forming forgiveness;

Aging eyes, piercing blue
wordless words
and still, the look.

Laurel. Thinking again.

Read other contributions by talented writers at Open Linkl Night on  D'verse Poets Pub 


  1. ugh..those arrows can hurt and pierce our soul if we don't choose to forgive...glad you decided to do so..

  2. Forgiveness is what it's all about, but it isn't always easy.

  3. I enjoyed the flow and the repetition in this poem, tha sort of brought to light for me,

  4. I can only guess at the emotions that ,au lie behind that stare, that you describe so piercingly.

  5. that does not feel like a very comfortable look at all...smiles...well built inyour description though...

  6. So painful. That wordless place can be such an echo in a broken, hollow, trying to forgive heart. My heart goes out to you, Laurel.


Thanks for visiting my blog. I appreciate all those who share and leave their comments very much. Laurel

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