I'm starting a pictorial record of the dresses that I make. For one, when I create a design, I like to imagine a little girl squealing with delight "I want that one!". For me it's important to create something that one of my granddaughters would love, not just whip together "something to wear". Secondly, I pray about the little girl who will eventually get to wear it - prayers for safety, for good health, for self-confidence, for education opportunity. So the photo album will serve to keep them in my thoughts.
I made three dresses yesterday and I returned several that I had made during the month of November. I had taken several "kits" home last month. And you know me - I have to put my creative stamp on everything- so I trotted of to Hancock's and purchased additional bias tape, fat quarters for pockets, ribbons and trims.
The original Dress a Girl dresses are made from pillow cases, but you can make them out of any washable fabric. I think I had these striped sheets back in the 70's, only in kelly green, so it was a challenge to make this pillowcase cute!
I also found this yellow pillowcase that had a pretty wide hem at the bottom that added too much bulk. Solution? Cut it off and make it shorter, add some cute trim and a pocket. I love yellow and blue together.
The possibilities are endless...some many little girls, so many dresses to make. Yesterday one of the ladies brought in some pictures from her missionary friend in Uganda. The little girls were wearing some of the dresses that our group had sewn. Now that's what I'm talking about - doing something for those less fortunate and actually witnessing the results!
Another one of those pillowcases that reminded me of years gone by...but it made a cute dress by just adding some bright pink pockets and buttons!
My fabric stash comes in quite handy for this project.
Who doesn't love hearts???
From my heart to yours, sweet child...
Laurel. Loving this...
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I have enjoyed being a subscriber of yours. This project is very similar to Little Dresses for Africa that I have written about and participated in. This dresses are beautiful. How fun to be part of a group that sews together! I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Read the details here:
I enjoyed seeing your cute dresses. This is a project that I may like to become involved in, too.